Marikana school gets a Mandela Day Library
It was a great privilege to witness the excitement of the children at a school in Marikana, North West, when they received a new library full of books through the Mandela Day Library project on 10 February 2022.
The Mandela Day Library Project is the primary Mandela Day project for South African non-profit organisation Participate for Good, which operates a fully automated system for gathering funds for the school library campaign.
Machadam Combined School’s new library is the result of months of donor work, followed by the building of the library and the delivery of the books, according to Participate for Good.
Principal Milton Mathibe, says the fast-growing rural school in Mooinooi near Brits has a proud record of 100% matric pass rates over the last decade and he aims for the school to reach the position of top school in the educational district.
This library is the eighth Mandela Day School Library project sponsored by hydraulic equipment supplier Hytec.
The library’s opening was attended by representatives of the regional department of basic education, the school governing body, teachers, donors and the students themselves.
The library delivery programme has the official support of the Mandela family.