WiSER and JWTC invite you to a conversation between Ahmed Kathrada and Achille Mbembe titled, "A history of non-racialism in South Africa".

This event launches the 2014 Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism. The theme of this year’s JWTC is "Archives of the Non-Racial". A mobile workshop, it will travel from Johannesburg to Mbabane in Swaziland, Durban, Ginsberg in the Eastern Cape, and Cape Town. For the full programme, see here.

All public events are free and open to all.

Event details

When: Sunday 29 June 2014 from 09h30 to 12h00
Where: WiSER Seminar Room, 6th Floor, Richard Ward Building, East Campus, Wits University
Please RSVP to Najibha.Deshmukh@wits.ac.za. Seating will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.